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4818 Washington Blvd., #48
St. Louis, MO 63108
Village to Village Network is a
501(c)(3) nonprofit organization
(EIN# 27-1063665)
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Help us with our vision for the future of aging!


We appreciate your support!

VtV Network supports the Village Movement in the following ways:
  • Provide expert guidance, programs and resources for developing and open Villages in the U.S. and abroad
  • Offer mentoring services for both new and established Villages
  • Hold an annual conference to facilitate sharing of best practices
  • Facilitate peer-to-peer connections and knowledge exchange through webinars and forums
  • Create programs to build Village leadership
  • Provide resources for strengthening Village business systems and operations
  • Negotiate member discounts with service providers

Villages are increasingly recognized as an cost-effective solution for our rapidly aging society -- a first step in the continuum of care that enables older adults to continue to live safely at home with choices in how they live their lives. Our 300+ member Villages, serving more than 40,000 older adults, ARE making a difference. Older adults report a significant positive impact on their well-being and quality of life as a direct result of their participation in their Village. 


Imagine a society where there are not just hundreds but thousands of Villages serving older adults! To achieve this vision, we at VtVN must expand our capacity to help build and sustain more Villages – urban, suburban, rural – each empowering older adults to age well in their homes with continued connections to their communities. Building this capacity requires an investment from partners who share our vision and want to work with us to achieve it.  We invite you to join us!


Please consider a gift to Village to Village Network.

Village to Village Network is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. All donations are tax deductible. 

How to Donate:

Mail:  Please mail your check made out to Village to Village Network to 4818 Washington Blvd., St. Louis, MO 63108.  We will acknowledge your tax-deductible contribution in the mail.

Click the button at the top of the page to donate securely online.  You will be asked to complete a contribution form before you enter your payment information.  The system sends you an automatic thank you for your tax-deductible donation, and we will send you a personal acknowledgement of thanks in the mail.

Qualified Charitable Distributions from an IRA. 
If you have age eligibility, you may be able to make a donation to VtVN through a Qualified Charitable Distribution (QCD) from an Individual Retirement Account (IRA), including from your Required Minimum Distribution.  If you wish to make a QCD to VtVN, your IRA custodian must make the transfer directly from your account to VtVN; the distribution cannot come to you first. Please be sure to consult your tax advisor about the tax benefits of this approach.  

Thank you for supporting the Village Movement!

Mail to:
Village to Village Network
PO Box 2041
Ventnor City, NJ  08406

Phone: (617)299-9638